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Let's Connect

Find useful links, a glossary of financial terms, and our latest insights

Let's Connect

Useful Resources

Here are some pieces we think might be useful. 
The world of finance can be big and confusing. There are so many resources all around the Internet, that it can be a bit overwhelming. Here we've compiled some resources that we think are worth checking out.
Quarter 1 2024 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 1 2024.
Quarter 4 2023 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 4 2023.
Quarter 3 2023 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 3 2023.
Quarter 2 2023 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 2 2023.
Quarter 1 2023 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 1 2023.
Regional Bank Weakness 
In this piece, we recap the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, provide our view on the risk that their collapse may pose to the broader financial system, and outline potential impacts on the trajectory of interest rates and markets.
Quarter 4 2022 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 4 2022.
Our thoughts on the 2022 midterm elections 
In this piece, we cover the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections as well as the implications of that outcome on the policy environment in Washington, the operating environment for companies, and the landscape for investors.
Quarter 3 2022 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 3 2022.
Quarter 2 2022 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 2 2022.
Inflation Outlook - June 2022 
A slide deck outlining our thoughts on the inflation we've been experiencing recently.
Quarter 1 2022 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 1 2022.
Quarter 4 2021 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 4 2021.
Quarter 3 2021 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 3 2021.
Social Security Retirement Estimator 
As a Leeward client you will receive comprehensive retirement planning, but here is a quick link to the IRS benefit estimator if you'd like to check your own.
ETF's Explained! 
Not sure what an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is?
Who We Are At Leeward 
A snapshot from a publication that really highlights why we do what we do here at Leeward.
Be a Fiduciary to Yourself 
What it means to be a fiduciary to yourself.
Quarter 2 2021 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 2 2021.
Quarter 1 2021 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 1 2021.
Unbiased, institutional-caliber investing for individuals and businesses.


Not sure what something means? 
The world of finance has a LOT of complex jargon and terminology. We've put together a quick glossary of terms to help!
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Capital gains short term

The difference between an asset's purchase price and selling price (when the difference is positive) that was earned in under one year.

Capital loss

The amount by which the proceeds from a sale of a security are less than its purchase price.


The market value (size) of a company, calculated by multiplying the number of shares outstanding by the price per share.

Cash equivalent

A short-term money-market instrument, such as a Treasury bill or repurchase agreement, of such high liquidity and safety that it is easily converted into cash.

Common stock

Securities that represent ownership in a corporation; must be issued by a corporation.

Corporate bond

A long-term bond issued by a corporation to raise outside debt capital.

Corporate social responsibility

A business’ commitment to their customers and employees to be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental.


A market decline of 10-20% is considered a correction. Generally measured over 2 months or more. Less severe than a bear market.

Country breakdown

Breakdown of securities in a portfolio by country.

Crypto currencies

blockchain technology that enables secure and traceable “coins”. These coins are used to transfer value and are highly speculative. They are not backed by any government or their fiat currency.


Failure of a debtor to make timely payments of interest and principal as they come due or to meet some other provision of a bond indenture.


The process of owning different investments that tend to perform well at different times. The goal being to reduce the effects of volatility in a portfolio, and increase the potential for positive returns.

Choose not to be measured by how much money you make. Choose to be measured by how much money you keep, how your earnings work for you, and the wealth you provide to those that matter most.
Our Most Recent Newsletter

At Leeward Financial Partners we are very proud of our institutional heritage working with some of the largest pension funds in the world. One of the “best practices” we continue here at Leeward is our original quarterly commentary. We work hard to keep the content as fresh and relevant as we can as market events evolve. Please let us know if you have any questions or we can be of help to you!

Read The Latest Version 

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