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Useful Resources

Here are some pieces we think might be useful. 
The world of finance can be big and confusing. There are so many resources all around the Internet, that it can be a bit overwhelming. Here we've compiled some resources that we think are worth checking out.
Quarter 1 2024 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 1 2024.
Quarter 4 2023 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 4 2023.
Quarter 3 2023 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 3 2023.
Quarter 2 2023 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 2 2023.
Quarter 1 2023 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 1 2023.
Regional Bank Weakness 
In this piece, we recap the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, provide our view on the risk that their collapse may pose to the broader financial system, and outline potential impacts on the trajectory of interest rates and markets.
Quarter 4 2022 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 4 2022.
Our thoughts on the 2022 midterm elections 
In this piece, we cover the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections as well as the implications of that outcome on the policy environment in Washington, the operating environment for companies, and the landscape for investors.
Quarter 3 2022 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 3 2022.
Quarter 2 2022 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 2 2022.
Inflation Outlook - June 2022 
A slide deck outlining our thoughts on the inflation we've been experiencing recently.
Quarter 1 2022 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 1 2022.
Quarter 4 2021 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 4 2021.
Quarter 3 2021 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 3 2021.
Social Security Retirement Estimator 
As a Leeward client you will receive comprehensive retirement planning, but here is a quick link to the IRS benefit estimator if you'd like to check your own.
ETF's Explained! 
Not sure what an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is?
Who We Are At Leeward 
A snapshot from a publication that really highlights why we do what we do here at Leeward.
Be a Fiduciary to Yourself 
What it means to be a fiduciary to yourself.
Quarter 2 2021 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 2 2021.
Quarter 1 2021 Commentary 
Our commentary from Quarter 1 2021.
Unbiased, institutional-caliber investing for individuals and businesses.


Not sure what something means? 
The world of finance has a LOT of complex jargon and terminology. We've put together a quick glossary of terms to help!
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A dividend is a portion of a company's profit paid to common and preferred shareholders. Dividends provide an incentive to own stock in stable companies even if they are not experiencing much growth. Companies are not required to pay dividends.

Dividend yield

Annual percentage of return earned by a mutual fund or ETF. The yield is determined by dividing the amount of the annual dividends per share by the current net asset value or public offering price.

Dollar cost averaging

Investing the same amount of money at regular intervals over an extended period of time, regardless of the share price. By investing a fixed amount, you purchase more shares when prices are low, and fewer shares when prices are high. This may reduce your overall average cost of investing.

Earnings per share (EPS)

The portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock. EPS serves as an indicator of a company's profitability.

Environmental, social and governance (ESG)

The systematic inclusion of financially material ESG factors in investment analysis and investment decisions, with the goal of enhancing long-term, risk adjusted financial returns. Areas considered are: 1- Environmental - Factors that relate to the quality and functioning of the natural environment, and natural systems, e.g., carbon emissions, environmental regulations, water stress and waste. 2- Social - Factors that relate to the rights, well-being, and interests of people and communities, e.g., labor management, health & safety. 3- Governance - Factors that relate to the management and oversight of companies and investee entities, e.g., board structure, pay.


Shares issued by a company which represent ownership in it. Ownership of property, usually in the form of common stocks, as distinguished from fixed-income securities such as bonds or mortgages. Stock funds may vary depending on the fund's investment objective.


The time interval between the announcement and the payment of the next dividend for a stock.

Ex-Dividend date

The date on which a stock goes ex-dividend. Typically occurs about three weeks before the dividend is paid to shareholders of record.

Exchange traded fund (ETF)

ETFs are similar to mutual funds, except that ETFs are bought and sold throughout the day, like a stock. ETF’s generally are low fee and offer some tax advantages over mutual funds.

Expense ratio

The ratio between a mutual fund's operating expenses for the year and the average value of its net assets.

Federal Funds Rate (Fed Funds Rate)

The interest rate charged by banks with excess reserves at a Federal Reserve district bank to banks needing overnight loans to meet reserve requirements. The most sensitive indicator of the direction of interest rates, since it is set daily by the market, unlike the prime rate and the discount rate, which are periodically changed by banks and by the Federal Reserve Board.

Federal Reserve Board (The Fed)

The governing board of the Federal Reserve System, it regulates the nation's money supply by setting the discount rate, tightening or easing the availability of credit in the economy.

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Choose not to be measured by how much money you make. Choose to be measured by how much money you keep, how your earnings work for you, and the wealth you provide to those that matter most.
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At Leeward Financial Partners we are very proud of our institutional heritage working with some of the largest pension funds in the world. One of the “best practices” we continue here at Leeward is our original quarterly commentary. We work hard to keep the content as fresh and relevant as we can as market events evolve. Please let us know if you have any questions or we can be of help to you!

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